This week marks my one year anniversary of serving with Family Promise! In reflection, I wanted to share some observations entitled, “Top 8 Sounds Overheard at the Day House.” Drumroll please…


  1. Laughing, Singing and Playing! Before anything else the Day House is a home where families live (during the day, at least) and work together to accomplish big goals. These big goals are also balanced by rest, recreation and the sound of kids playing and adults singing and sharing joy.


  1. Eating! Guests cook, after school snacks are eaten, popcorn is popped, microwaves beep, dishes are washed, cups clank, and milk is poured. The day house is a place to refuel. Thanks to a generous donor, there is always an endless supply of cupcakes.


  1. Teachers Explaining! The sound of education for adults and children can be heard around the clock. Volunteers share their time, tutoring guests of all ages in math, English, GED prep and job and interview skills.


  1. Door Bells Ringing! The doorbell rings a lot every day! From donations being dropped off, to visitors coming for meetings with guests or staff, the doorbell always seems to be ringing.


  1. Keyboards Clicking! The Day House office is predominantly staffed by volunteers who help keep the operations running smoothly and the program costs down. Our volunteers work hard behind the scenes, show up faithfully, and get pushed in uncomfortable ways, and they keep coming back because they believe in the mission. Board members are also often seen at the Day House volunteering, giving their time in meetings and planning for the next event.


  1. High-fives! Sometimes progress is slow and can feel like one step forward and two steps back. But then there are the days of breakthrough celebrations. High fives and hugs and a day’s worth of smiles all around are in order, to celebrate new jobs, better jobs, raises, keys to sustainable and independent housing, or the elimination of another barrier like paying off debts or getting a driver’s license.


  1. Phone Ringing! The Day House phone rings a lot. Sometimes we have more than one caller at a time. The phone even rings on Christmas and Thanksgiving! In October 2018, the phone rang 132 times specifically with people in need requesting services of some kind.


  1. Intense! How does intense sound? Well, sometimes intense can sound serious, loud, emotional, and tough – kind of like life. But I know that the kind of intense we often hear at the Day House is the sound of families being gently but thoroughly pushed towards their own goals and big dreams for their lives. It sounds intense and that’s good because it means investment!



Adam Monaghan is our Administrative Specialist, coordinating details and volunteers to support the operations of the Day House and Family Promise of Greater Wichita as a whole.

Family Promise of Greater Wichita unites hearts and hands to provide compassionate hospitality and empower homeless families with children to achieve sustainable independence. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.