Family Promise of Greater Wichita is excited to announce the appointment of Dixie Harris as Chair of the Board of Directors.

Dixie Harris joined the Family Promise of Greater Wichita Board of Directors in January 2019 and stepped into the Vice Chair role soon after. She has continued to lead the Grant Writing team and, in June of 2020, accepted the nomination to become Board Chair in 2021. She spent the rest of last year working closely with our founding Chair, Carrie Corliss, to make this transition as smooth and successful as possible.

FPGW Executive Director, Dawn Epp, is thankful for Carrie’s leadership as the affiliate has grown over its first 5 years in operation and is excited to continue in the Family Promise mission with Dixie as the new Board Chair. “Carrie has been a visionary and passionate leader for us and has brought us to where we are today. We are so thankful for the work that she accomplished in building excitement and passion for this organization and bringing awareness to the issue of family homelessness in our community. With Dixie as the new Board Chair, the mission of our organization will continue on as she brings her own passion, leadership skills, and expertise to the table. We will press on completing this good and important work.”

Dixie Harris originally heard about Family Promise through her church home and jumped at the chance to join the team. She is passionate about the mission of Family Promise of Greater Wichita and has stepped into the role of Board Chair with excitement and energy.

Dixie retired from Cargill in 2017 after a 23 year career in Information Technology. She has spent the last 15 years volunteering in different capacities and working with people in the Wichita community facing homelessness. She loves being a part of the work happening at FPGW.

“What I love about Family Promise is that this ministry works with families with children who are committed to making changes and working hard to do so. Nothing is more rewarding than seeing these kiddos who are graduating from our program load up their possessions and head to their HOME. I believe we are changing lives, potentially not only this generation, but for generations to come! I can’t imagine anything that is better than that! I enjoy so much leading this amazing and dedicated team and look forward to seeing what we will accomplish in the years ahead!”

Dixie has 2 grown sons, 3 grandsons, 1 great grandson, and a number of nieces and nephews in the Wichita area. She loves spending time with her family and enjoys traveling, which she hopes to be able to do again very soon.

All of us at Family Promise of Greater Wichita are excited for the future of our affiliate under Dixie’s leadership. Thank you, Dixie, for your heart for serving families in our community!