We do this for the kids. Plain and simple, their success is the end goal here.

Children who experience homelessness have the deck of life stacked high against them, and we each have the power to do something for the kids.

This is part 3 of 4, exploring the different elements of our mission statement:

Family Promise of Greater Wichita unites hearts and hands to provide compassionate hospitality and empower homeless families with children to achieve sustainable independence.  

Local Needs of Children

Last school year, area school districts counted more than 2500 homeless children in Greater Wichita. These students are living with their families in cars or tents, staying temporarily in a motel, or sometimes doubled up temporarily with other family members.

Can you imagine learning anything in school when you’re not sure where you will sleep tonight, if you will have dinner, or if you will get to return tomorrow in clean clothes?

Nationwide, children experiencing homelessness:

  • Often miss school or switch schools quickly
  • Get sick 4x more often than other kids
  • Are 4x more likely to show delayed development
  • Graduate at a lower rate than their peers

When parents are empowered with opportunity for jobs and ways to provide for their families, they can avoid losing their children to foster care. Or get them back! 30% of children in foster care could return to their family if their parents had access to housing.

Unlimited Potential for Kids

Although we know poverty cycles may be deeply ingrained in families, we also know that children, given a stable and caring environment, can make huge strides in learning, development, and problem solving – all necessary life skills.

Circumstantial poverty (due to job loss, family breakup, or health issues) impacts children in many of the same ways.

STABILITY is the key. Stability is a way forward, and it is preventive against exploitation and abuse, providing opportunities to learn and succeed better.

With opportunity, parents can THRIVE. We don’t accomplish their goals for them. Our staff and volunteers partner WITH courageous parents who are willing to set goals and work on creating a sustainable life.

It’s our belief that it is best for everyone when we don’t solve problems FOR them, but people get the dignity of choosing and working hard for their own solutions.

With opportunity, children can THRIVE. We believe that this is good for the entire community, as together we raise the next generation of workers, decision-makers, and contributors to our culture, economy, and common good.

As children grow up and thrive, we also see those who have overcome difficult times begin to “pay it forward” and volunteer to help others. These kids will change the world in the circles they influence.

The Family Promise partnership is a gift that just keeps on giving.

We do this for the kids.

More Stats on Children in Homelessness

Each year in the U.S., more than 2.5 million children experience homelessness.

35% of all homeless persons nationwide are families with children.

1 in 30 children in the U.S. experience homelessness each year.

If you want to read even further, please check out the National Family Promise site or the Institute for Children, Poverty and Homelessness.

How You Can Help

You care about local children. That’s why you’re reading this. How can you translate that care into action?

  • Help spread the word – explain to your friends that we are much more than shelter.
  • Advocate for programs like us, that empower people with support to accomplish their own goals.
  • Donate to keep the mission going, and/or encourage your friends to donate. (Mailing a check or making a Facebook donation is the best – no processing fees.)
  • Consider a dinner party to talk about Family Promise, host a bake sale, and/or hold a contest to raise funds or supplies for the program.
  • Contact our staff if you want to bring a fun kid activity to the Day House – scheduling depends on school, family availability, etc.

There are unlimited ways you can be involved! Everyone has a skill or gift – please contact us if you think of other ways you would like to pitch in.

THANK YOU for joining in this effort to care for and empower children and their families.

For more articles in this series:

Introduction: Homeless Families Need Help — who/why/how

Mission Statement part 1 of 4: A Common Mission Unites Churches & Groups

Mission Statement part 2 of 4: Hospitality Fights Homelessness

Katy Penner is our Board Secretary and Communications Team chair. She is also a Marketing and Content Strategist. You can reach her at pr@familypromisewichita.org.

Family Promise of Greater Wichita unites hearts and hands to provide compassionate hospitality and empower homeless families with children to achieve sustainable independence. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.