On behalf of our core team, I want to say how very thankful we are for our Host and Support Congregations! Without the committment of these wonderful churches and the volunteers from their congregations, we would not have a program! At our April Core Team Meeting, we celebrated the addition of one new Host Church and one new Support Church! 

Displaced Families

We are thrilled to have First Wesleyan Church in Wichita join with the four other committed Host Churches: Northridge Friends Church, University Friends Church, Crosswinds Community Church, and Derby Friends Church to bring our current total to five! First Wesleyan co-pastors Mark and Marcelle Hamel have been a tremendous blessing to our core team, as well as Jay Stewart, who currently serves as our board Secretary. With First Wesleyan Church, we are 38% of the way to our goal of 13 Host Congregations!


Rose Hill Friends joined Crossroads and Communitas as our third Support Congregation! They are a bit too far out from the city center to host, but they are eager to send volunteers and resources to support Derby Friends Church on their host weeks! Thank you, Rose Hill Friends for helping children and families in Greater Wichita!! 


The Host Recruitment Committee is busy supporting six to eight other churches that are seriously considering and in the process of deciding about participation. IMG_8543

Cliff and LaVonna Loesch hosted an introductory lunch presentation at University Friends on April 13th, where 9 new congregations and ministries were introduced to Family Promise. Many at the luncheon were excited about exploring the Family Promise opportunities with their churches.

God is growing our network of congregations!