Family Promise of Greater Wichita is ready to start serving homeless children and families. Our community-based, volunteer-driven program is accepting referrals and conducting intake interviews for families with children in a homeless circumstance. 


Families may self-refer and individuals, agencies, schools or faith communities wishing to make referrals may contact the agency at 316-712-4381 or by email at


We are a transitionary program, not an emergency shelter, seeking to keep families together in a safe, homelike setting while assisting them in moving towards sustainable independence. 


Successful candidates will be working or employable, ready to commit to a program of intensive case management and able to abstain from alcohol and recreational drug use. If in recovery, candidates must have at least one year of sobriety and be willing to actively participate in a twelve-step program. Family Promise cannot provide a “safe house,” so families fleeing a domestic violence situation will be referred to agencies who are able to best accommodate them. 


All candidates are required to undergo drug testing and a background check. Candidates with open warrants or those with pending charges or convictions of violent crimes cannot be offered admission. 


Criteria for program entry:

Family with children

Must have legal custody 

No active addictions

No charges or convictions of violent crimes 

No warrants


Not fleeing a domestic violence situation 

Willing to participate in intensive, accountability-based case management 


Family Promise of Greater Wichita is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that unites hands and hearts to provide shelter, meals, and compassionate assistance to homeless children and their families in the Wichita area. Family Promise is a national network of affiliates and has been serving families for more than thirty years.