Give Hope

Since the beginning our mantra has been, “We’re not gonna go another winter!” Every child deserves a safe, warm home, and we are committed to helping families get there. This holiday season, we look forward to opening our hearts and hands to families in desperate need. 

If you have followed our progress, you know that what has been done in the last eight months can only be attributed to God working in and through and beyond each one of us! We continue to be amazed at the many ways God’s hand has been tangible in this growing network, preparing us to serve homeless children and families in our community.

* We are currently at 10 host churches and 6 support churches. More are on the way, and we are confident that we will have 13 by our October opening. 

* We have a day house and many hands are working to prepare it for our October opening.

* We are currently at 6 executive board members, and we plan to have 8 by the time we open in October.

* Word is being spread, and we have developed many community partnerships to come alongside our efforts once we open in October.

With an October opening just a little over two months away, we are at the point of needing to begin the process of hiring a full-time director to begin employment in early September, which is just a little over one month away. The Family Promise national office recommends having $40K – $60K (1/3 – 1/2 of our first year budget) raised before Opening. We heed their advice with 200 affiliates and 30 year’s experience under their belt. And as Family Promise of Greater Wichita, we want to take it even a step further. As a commitment to being a good steward of this network and the people we will employ and serve, we think it is important to have that much either in the bank or committed through CLUB316 before taking this huge step of hiring a director, who will depend on the modest salary we will provide. 

With all of the many other START-UP pieces coming together, please join us in prayer that this START-UP funding piece will also. And please pray that we will be faithful stewards, not going behind or ahead of God’s timing. Our Fund Development Team is working so hard and have put together a sustainable funding strategy on-going, but these START-UP funds are critical at this moment in time. If you have been thinking of supporting Family Promise of Greater Wichita with your finances, NOW IS THE TIME! Give Hope! 

Please donate by August 15 to help ensure our opening this fall. Will you join us with a one-time gift for this important need? $50, $100, $500, $1000, or More? Online giving: Checks and online billpay (save us processing fees): Family Promise of Greater Wichita P.O. Box 75001 Wichita, Kansas 67209.  We are a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.

Attached is a flyer you can print and hand out to help spread the word. Also, please share our facebook post on your page, your church’s page, or other interested groups!

Thank you for the many ways you are supporting this important effort,

Carrie Corliss

For the Family Promise of Greater Wichita Executive Board