“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.” Romans 12:13

Currently, seven Wichita area churches from a variety of traditions are ready to open up their hearts and their buildings to children and families in need. Northridge Friends Church, University Friends Church, First Wesleyan Church, Crosswinds Community Church (Derby), Derby Friends Church, Refuge Free Methodist, and First Church of the Brethren have all graciously committed to this providing a safe space for guest families to spend the night.


Six other churches are ready to practice hospitality by providing support to the host churches. Crossroads Friends Church, Communitas, Northwest Free Methodist Church, Rivercrest Free Methodist Church, and Resurrection Lutheran Church (Haysville) have willingly committed their time and resources to serving some of “the least of these” among us through Family Promise.

“Here I am. Send me.” Isaiah 6:8IMG_8174

While we are so encouraged and thankful for these churches who have committed to partnering with us so far, it is not enough. We need a total of 13 Host Churches and as many Support Churches as possible to open our program and begin serving families by October 1. Churches do not decide to partner with Family Promise overnight (and they shouldn’t — its a big deal!!) so in order to reach our goal of 13 host churches (6 more) in just a little over three months, it will take MANY people spreading the word to as MANY churches as possible as SOON as possible. Pastor Cliff Loesch and a few others from the The Host Recruitment Team have done so much over the last eight months, but at this point we must broaden the Host Recruitment Team to include YOU! Won’t you join us?

Even though life is hectic, would you consider choosing one way to join the Host Recruitment effort in the next week? Here are some ideas:

    * PRAY – Prayer is the fuel by which this program will open and run – PRAY fervently each day next week for God to move churches toward participation.

    * CALL – Make phone calls to 10 churches to make 30-minute appointments for our host recruitment team with local clergy (we’ll send you the list of churches, phone numbers, pastor’s name, and what to say when calling) 

    * INVITE – Print the attached flyer for our next Introductory FP luncheon and hand deliver it to 10 churches in your neighborhood, near your workplace, or where you know people.

     * What else can YOU do?Homeless Kids

It is a privilege to join in on this important work! He is faithful! Won’t you join us?