Family Promise on KAKE News

Family Promise on KAKE News

Family Promise of Greater Wichita was featured on the KAKE news on May 4th.  Carrie Corliss, our core team leader, spoke with Ben Jordan about the need in Wichita for additional resources to families living in crisis and how Family Promise is a part of that solution....
Buy Groceries & Help Family Promise

Buy Groceries & Help Family Promise

Join Dillons Community Rewards, buy groceries, and Dillons will donate a portion of your grocery spending to Family Promise of Greater Wichita!   Please sign up TODAY with these steps: – Visit – Sign in or create an...
Target Opening Date is Set

Target Opening Date is Set

Because so much progress has been made, not only in host recruitment, but in identifying and preparing for the Day Center, Communications, and Fund Development, we have set a target opening date of October 1, 2016! Our Host Recruitment Team is hard at work, presenting...
Something to Celebrate

Something to Celebrate

On behalf of our core team, I want to say how very thankful we are for our Host and Support Congregations! Without the committment of these wonderful churches and the volunteers from their congregations, we would not have a program! At our April Core Team Meeting, we...
A Day Immersed in Family Promise

A Day Immersed in Family Promise

On March 24th, 2016 five of us from Wichita, KS ventured to Lawrence, KS to learn all we could about assisting homeless families get back on their feet and in their own homes with the help of a Family Promise (FP) Affiliate. Our expectations were high since they have...