The Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church (LAMC) is graciously and generously allowing FPGW to use their house as our Day Center or perhaps more accurately described as the Day House. Some minor renovations need completed to be ready for our October 1st opening date.  Therefore, our first workday (evening) will be next Monday June 27th at 6:30 PM. to accomplish three objectives.

  1. Remove existing furniture to waiting trailer for storage.  This should go quickly because there is not much and nothing very HEAVY.  2 sofas, 2 rockers, 2 tables and a few chairs, chest of drawers, and book shelves.
  2. Remove 6 ft. wall to make room for the tub/shower enclosure.
  3. Disassemble wood shelves to be replaced with redesigned lockable storage closets.Painting

If you and/or your able-bodied friends grab your gloves and necessary

tools and show up for an hour or two, I’m sure we can all be home before

the chickens go to roost. Remember the popular proverb – “MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK”.  

For more information and directions email Charlie Mullen at